Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development

An Autonomous Research Institute of ICSSR, New Delhi and Government of Assam

Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development

An Autonomous Research Institute of ICSSR, New Delhi and Government of Assam

Livelihood & Environment

Three important and interrelated fields of study viz. Resource Mobilisation, Livelihood and Environment has been one of the major thrust areas of research at the Institute. Over the years, the Institute strove to understand the constraints of resource-based livelihoods particularly in the context of changing ecological concerns and concomitant changes in the policy regime. Addressing and analysing social security issues of myriad livelihood sectors have remained a priority for Institute.


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Designed & developed by: Biswa Ranjan Sharma
© 1989-2023 OKDISCD

OKD Institute of Social Change and Development
VIP Road,Upper Hengrabari
Six Mile,Guwahati-781036
Assam, India
Phone no.: 0361-2335204